Pediophobia: Fear of Dolls
Pediophobia, or fear of dolls, is relatively common. It is believed to be a type of automatonophobia, or fear of humanoid figures. Some people are afraid of all dolls and stuffed toys, while others fear only a specific type. Dolls that talk or move and old-fashioned china dolls are especially common targets of fear.
Pediophobia and Children
Many parents want their children, especially little girls, to love dolls. They may become distressed if their child screams or cries when a doll is presented. It is important to keep in mind, though, that small children are just learning to separate fantasy from reality. A doll, which appears to be human but is not, can be terrifying to a child who does not yet understand the concept.
Jernayde, you could speak to Louise on Wed morning - she teaches the 1st years... she told me she used to have reoccurring nightmare about a doll when she was young.